This relatively new technique uses a high powered (50-100W) laser to enucleate the obstructing part of the prostate gland. It is used in men with urinary symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
The holmium laser is available at both The Churchill Hospital, Oxford and The Manor Hospital, Oxford. Mr Crew performs the surgery to treat men in both his private and NHS practices.
The main difference between HoLEP and traditional endoscopic prostatic surgery (transurethral resection of the prostate; TURP) is that HoLEP uses Laser technology, which can resect tissue and seal blood vessels thereby reducing the risk of bleeding. In addition, the HoLEP technique means that a more complete resection of the obstructing prostatic tissue is performed. These two advantages combined means that in general, patients undergoing HoLEP have less bleeding and are in hospital for a shorter time than comparable patients undergoing TURP.
HoLEP requires training and experience to perform well.
The procedure is done under either spinal or general anaesthetic and you will have an opportunity to discuss both options with an anaesthetist prior to surgery. The operation itself takes between 1-2 hours. After the operation you will have a catheter in place to drain the bladder. Straight afterwards you will be able to eat, drink and mobilise. The usual course of events is for the catheter to be removed the morning after surgery and for you to go home once you have passed urine.
Details of the surgery including the potential side effects, risks and alternatives are covered in the attached document produced by the Royal College of Surgeons. We encourage you to read this prior to your consultation and surgery.
Jeremy Crew is happy to see you in his private clinic to discuss the treatment options available.